Monday, May 30, 2011

Imogen Thomas is Gagged to kiss and tell~about the footie who shagged her!

A Mysterious Premier League star who has been romping with busty Big Brother babe Imogen Thomas behind his wife’s back  has obtained a gag order to restrain her from cashing in with a kiss and tell story to UK tabloids. It seems the ace footie  was just  stringing the brunette beauty for sex with no strings attached. The love rat got His lawyers to ban the UK  media from naming him in fear of losing his Reputation once he was exposed for his Adulterous affair.

Lads’ magazine model Imogen told the press how she was played by soccer star ”saying he told me ‘I was the love of his life. Even his agent admitted to being “shocked” at the secret six-month fling – which has seen the pair meeting up at a string of luxury hotels…
The mystery Soccer  star who won an injunction to hide his affair with Big Brother’s Imogen Thomas seem to be winning by keeping the uk media quiet.

Our source said: “She WAS completely lovestruck.” The romps – sometimes just before key games – have seen Imogen usually spending an hour or two in the hotel room before sneaking out. Imogen, who appeared in the seventh Big Brother series and was voted sexiest ever housemate, admitted being at the same hotels as the player but claimed she was either meeting her mum or attending “business meetings”. Asked who the late evening business meetings were with, she smiled and said: “That’s confidential.” When we pressed her about being spotted tiptoeing in and out of hotel rooms, she said: “I have no comment. My private life is my private life.” She then zoomed off in her sports car…
The Footie star who won an injunction to hide his affair with Big Brother’s Imogen Thomas is crazily suing Twitter As well .The married Premier League idol, who must remain anonymous, had his name linked to the injunction by a user of the social networking site.The ace is taking unprecedented High Court action against the US-based service and “persons unknown responsible for the publication of information on the Twitter accounts”. His ground-breaking move is the first legal bid to extend the powers of Britain’s creeping privacy laws to the internet. Case papers were filed after  widely-reported “tweets” by a mystery source named a number of celebs alleged to have obtained injunction.
Lawyers for the footballer – said to have won a gag order to stop Imogen talking about an affair – are now expected to demand that Twitter should  not supply data exposing the footbaler.

Imogen has been inundated with nasty tweets and has made a plea for it to stop; stating: “Can the haters stop writing me? Don’t you think I have suffered enough?” The pretty reality star was formerly Miss Wales and appeared on the show “Big Brother uk.” Together the pair had an affair for a reported six-month period. Imogen could not afford a protection order and her name has been spoken with criticism since the story broke, but the super-injunction protected Mr cheat Who plays midfielder for Manchester United  Premier League……
Former Big Brother star Imogen Thomas broke down on live television as she revealed she was tempted to blow the cover of the Premiership footballer hiding behind an injunction and make his name public. Ms Thomas shed tears as she denied blackmailing the footballer for up to £100,000, and retaliated once again that they had been involved in a six-month affair.

Ms Thomas shed tears as she denied blackmailing claims
Imogen Thomas has claimed that she has been “thrown to the lions” to deal with the fallout of her affair with a Premier League star. The former Big Brother contestant has been banned from naming her ex-lover by a super-injunction granted by the High Court earlier this month. Speaking on ITV’s This Morning, the Welsh model insisted that she had never had any intentions of selling her story to the press.
“You know as foolish as this sounds I honestly didn’t think that this would get out into the public domain or anything,” she said. “I always said I had no intention of  selling the story. If I was to do that it would have happened six months ago

‘I’m sorry that I had an affair – I know what I did was wrong and I’ve put my hands up. I’ve done wrong. But today I’ve come on here to defend my name to show that I’m not a blackmailer. It’s wrong. Even the judge says that he has no evidence of this and it could be misleading.’
Woops!! We at Celeb de’la cream gossip centre  are pretty sure we know who the culprit is but we can’t reveal the name, so why don’t you make your own guesses in the comment box below?

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